I have previously made triangular boxes from 3 modules and wanted to try out one from a single sheet of paper. And found out Thoki Yenn's triangular box, where both the box and the lid are made from a single sheet of A4 size paper.

I love how economical the box and lid is! The box is made from half the A4 paper and the lid from half a square from the same sheet. The instructions sound quite complex, but making these boxes is actually quite simple.

Model Details:

Model: Triangular Boxes

Creator: Thoki Yenn

Difficulty Level: Low Intermediate

Paper Ratio: A4

Instructions: Erik Demaine

I like making boxes from single sheets of paper. For one thing, they are quite economical and for another, you can just grab a piece of paper and start working on the box!

This pentagonal box is designed by Rikki Donachie and is made from a single A4 sheet of paper. It is quite easy to fold. I folded the base such that the height was a little more than the lid. Otherwise, both base and lid were the same.

Model Details:

Model: Pentagonal Boxes

Creator: Rikki Donachie

Difficulty Level: Low Intermediate

Paper Ratio: A4

Paper Size: 7 inches

Tutorial: Youtube

Butterfly earrings are not very easy to make, but the earrings that result from them are quite beautiful. Well, what else would you expect from a butterfly? :)

I liked the green earrings that I made. I had included green butterfly beads as well and loved how the whole thing turned out! Another of my earrings that I ended up keeping with me, since I couldn't bear to part with them!

I hadn't come across any 5-sided modular boxes until recently. Modular pentagonal boxes are not very common and one of the first pentagonal box I came across was Dennis Walker's Cherry Blossom Box.

A very pretty box to fold, it ends up with a star shape in the top and 5 petals on top of the star. It folds best with 80 gsm paper. I had this beautiful gift wrapper paper which worked out very well.

Model Details:

Model: Cherry Blossom Box

Creator: Dennis Walker

Difficulty Level: High Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 4 inches

Instructions: Lid, Base

Number of Modules: 10 (5 for lid and 5 for base)

This spider from Eric Keneeway's book 'Complete Origami' is a fairly easy origami to do. But a little bit of kirigami also comes into play, so origami purists would not be keen on folding this little guy, I suppose.

The origami starts with a a frog base and builds up on that. I folded this from 8-inch square 60 gsm paper. It should be mentioned that there are plenty of layers of folds that go into the model. So thin paper is an absolute must.

Model Details:

Model: Spider 

Creator: Bob Allen

Book: Complete Origami
Difficulty Level: Low Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 6 inches

Model Size: ~3 inches in length

The Knob Box lid, designed by Jorge E Jaramillo, is one that I had tried some time back and hadn’t quite succeeded. I gave it another go and this time I did complete it :) The most difficult part of the lid was twisting it into the knob, after creasing the folds of the knob. I found the model quite challenging and so have been making a few of them, just to get the hang of it.

The model requires a fairly large square of paper to get a reasonably sized box. I initially used a 12 inch square and then a 9 inch square. The 12 inch one turned out to be nice and big and the 9 inch one was smaller but more to my liking.

The base is simpler to make and is designed by Anna Kastlunger. She has also made a series of tutorial videos on making the lid and the base. Considering that there is only a CP available to fold the lid, I wouldn’t have even attempted the model if not for her tutorial! There are a series of 5 videos (4 for folding the lid and 1 for the base) and are detailed and very well presented.

Model Details:

Model: Knob Box

Creator (Lid): Jorge E Jaramillo

Creator (Base): Anna Kastlunger

Difficulty Level: High Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 9 - 12 inches

Crease Pattern (Base): Flickr!

Crease Pattern (Lid): Flickr!

Tutorial (Lid): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Tutorial (Base): Youtube

Tomoko Fuse's boxes are really simple to make and I love making them! So here goes another of her boxes from her book 'Quick and Easy Origami Boxes'.

I rather like the little knob on the lid. Adds a little something and gives us a handle to use to open the box :)

Model Details:

Model: Triangular Boxes

Creator: Tomoko Fuse

Book: Quick and Easy Origami Boxes

Author: Tomoko Fuse

Difficulty Level: Low Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 4 inches

Tutorial: Youtube

Number of Modules: 6 (3 for box and 3 for lid)