We are already into the 7th month of the year! Amazing how time flies..

And to kickstart the second half of the year, here is Tomoko Fuse's Little Turtle kusudama. This is another favourite of kusudama folders since it is not very difficult to make but looks stunningly beautiful when made in wrapper paper. The name comes from the shape of the modules which kinda resembles a turtle :)

This kusudama is made from 30 units but can also be made from 4, 6, 12 and 24 units and there are also a lot of various possible as well.

Model Details:

Model: Little Turtle Kusudama 

Creator: Tomoko Fuse

Book: Multidimensional Transformations Unit Origami

Author: Tomoko Fuse

Difficulty Level: High Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 4 inch squares

Modules: 30

Tutorial: Youtube