Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms are beautiful flowers that grow in abundance in Fall. When one thinks of a cherry blossom, one tends to think of Japan :) These flowers, called Sakura in Japanese, have a variety of uses including culinary ones. The flowers are usually white in colour with pale pink near the stems.

And I wanted to give these lovely flowers a try. I found a very simple traditional design for folding these flowers. It involves a little cutting though.

The reason I have made so many of these little flowers is that, I have a project in mind; or rather, my sister-in-law has a project  for which she needs these flowers. Will be posting on that soon :)

Model Details:

Model: Cherry Blossoms

Origin: Traditional

Difficulty Level: Low Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 2 inches

Model Size: 1 inches

Diagram: Origami-club


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