Showing posts with label chair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chair. Show all posts
I have been thinking of trying out an origami composition which is an assembly of various origami, around a common theme.

The composition that I worked on was a beach with boats and houses along the beach and here is what I finally managed to come up with :) I hadn't realized that making a composition could be quite this time-consuming! Finalizing what I wanted to make was the simplest part of the process. I then had to decide on the size, then try out quite a few times to get the proportions right. Finally I set everything in place to complete the arrangement. So given the pains I took to get it done, I must say I am quite proud of it! I think it has come out very well :)

If you want to give the composition a try, I have posted on most of the individual origami earlier. So do take a look :) The composition is made up of

Beach chairs are, I am sure, great to use on a summer day and beach chairs are equally great to fold on a very hot summer day! These beach chairs are courtesy of Yoshihide Momotani, from his amazing book 'Doll Houses with Origami'. Every time I open this book, I am tempted to make one of those beautiful doll house rooms! And this time, I was able to complete these chairs, from the garden scene.

The folding is pretty straight forward. The instructions are in Japanese, but the pictures by themselves are pretty clear. There is also a slight variation to this chair, which results in a chair with a tall back.

Model Details:

Model: Beach Chair 

Creator: Yoshihide Momotani

Book: Doll’s House with Origami

Author: Yoshihide Momotani

Difficulty Level: Low Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 7 inches

Model Size: ~6 inches long and 1.5 inches wide