Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

This Easter, let us not forget that it is not about fluffy bunnies and chocolate eggs, but about what Jesus did for us. Happy Easter, dear readers :)

Well, I have been wondering what to fold this Easter and decided to redo Jared Needle's origami cross. It is a beautiful origami to fold and the more I have folded this cross, the more I enjoy it! There are quite a few sinks, both open and closed sinks. Initially the closed sink was a challenge but now I find it pretty easy. And I do like the way the cross is completed. All unnecessary folds are beautifully concealed, both in the front and at the back.

I am sure you are wondering why I have folded so many of crosses. Our BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) classes, for this year, are coming to a close. We are nearly at the end of Genesis (We have been studying Genesis this year) and should be done in a couple more classes I think. So I thought it would be a nice idea to fold this cross, so we can remember our group :) And it makes a handy bookmark, to it might turn out to be a useful addition to the Bible too! I am still not done folding crosses. I need at least 15 and have about 3 more to go.

Model Details:

Model: Cross 

Creator: Jared Needle

Difficulty Level: High Intermediate

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 6 inch squares

Model Size: 4.5 inches tall and 4 inches across

Instructions: Cross by Jared Needle

The first time I saw pics of this basket on google, I badly wanted to make it, but couldn't find the instructions anywhere. And when I finally found them a few days back on bloomize (link below), I just had to try them out and they came out quite well too..

These baskets look best when made in double sided paper that is thicker than the regular origami paper. The basket came out well, though I had some problem making the handle and finally had to resort to glue. The orange and white basket is made from single sided paper. Both the baskets were made from 10 inch paper and as you can see, it came out quite big and broad.

And in addition to being cute, they also serve well as Easter baskets and for carrying little toys :)

Model Details:

Model: Wide Basket 

Difficulty Level: Simple

Paper Ratio: Square

Paper Size: 10 inches

Tutorial: Bloomize