Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
With summer just around the corner, Little Miss decided that she wanted me to weave her a hat.. So naturally, I got cracking and used my trial tubes to make a trial hat.

Whenever I roll tubes, I segregate them into 3-4 categories - the no-print tubes, tubes with only black print and the rest of the coloured tubes. The coloured tubes are used for all my trials. I don't paint them, so they are not very strong. Anyway, I always have a couple of bunches of these trial tubes.

The procedure was pretty elementary - round box for form, started with 16 tubes in the centre and wove around the form till I was happy with the size, then I flattened out the tubes and wove the rim of the hat.

Here's Little Miss, modelling the hat. Unfortunately, a round hat doesn't really fit our heads! I did not realise this till she tried it out. Apparently, according to a few hat-related videos that I subsequently watched, the top of the hat needs to be more oval than rounded. So though I am happy with the initial output, there is much work to do before I can start making hats in various colours for Little Miss. She has already given me the colour combinations that I need to start working on 😄